Table of Contents

1 Installation

- AtRIS has been tested under arch-linux. It should work equally well with other *nix systems. Windows functionality has not been tested.

1.1 Building and installing Geant4

5 years ago, the compilation and installation of Geant4 was rather complicated. Mostly due to the fact that a large number of libraries was necessary. The recent geant4 versions are shipping with most of the required libraries. Here, we describe how you can deploy geant4 so that you can compile and use AtRIS. Consider:

Distribution specific notes

1.2 Obtaining anaconda python 2

AtRIS evaluation notebooks have been tested against an anaconda python2 distribution, which can be obtained here 3). The user is free to choose whichever python2 distribution he wants, but the following packages have to be installed:

Possible problems

1.3 Obtaining and building AtRIS

Steps involved:

| cloning and building AtRIS
HOSTNAME$ mkdir clonetarget       # choose your own name!
HOSTNAME$ cd clonetarget
HOSTNAME$ git clone
HOSTNAME$ mkdir build             # create a folder for the build. Choose your own name.
HOSTNAME$ cd build
HOSTNAME$ source /geant4/install/bin/  # tell your terminal where to find geant4 files
HOSTNAME$ cmake ..                # configure the build with the make files from the AtRIS folder
HOSTNAME$ make -j8                # where 8 is the number of threads to use
HOSTNAME$ ./AtRIS FTFP_BERT_HP example -1 # start the example simulation