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1 Planet Specification Format (PSF)

The planet specification format (PSF)

The idea is to define the atmosphere specification in a robust way, which is both future proof and misinterpretation-proof. The main characteristics of the format are:

  • The format specifies the atmosphere as one sheet per line. The number of lines specifies the number of atmospheric sheets.
  • The format also includes a polar and azimuth angle variability to make it future proof.
  • Please don't limit the number precision and use scientific notation!
  • Sum over all mass fractions is equal to 1.00.
  • The above does not include the soil column. The soil column should be set to one for the soil and crust volumes.
  • The sensitive detector ID (SDID) is an integer quantity. 0 and 1 are reserved for core and crust.
  • Please always include a core and a crust
  • The atmosphere should be built from the bottom up, starting with the SDID 2.
  • Don't skip SDIDs.
  • Header: The header is ment to specify the soil composition(column 10) and also to name the material whose contribution is specified in one of the columns designated with 11,12,13. Example:
     #578Si380Al242Fe CO_2 N Ar 

    Note: you can use materials available in the Geant4 NIST material database. Leave out the prefix “G4_$. If your gas molecule is not available, you can specify it as an artificial mixture. For example, SO2 would be 50.05% Sulfur and 49.95% Oxygen (in terms of mass fraction). The error of this approximation is discussed here.

  • Unlimited header lines are possible, as long as they start with ”#“, they will not produce an error in the data analysis
  • The first entry tells AtRIS that the soil is 578 parts Si, 380 parts Al, 242 parts Fe.
  • The following entries specify what materials do the individual columns specify.
  • Example:
Column nr Name Long Name Unit Range Type, Notation
0 alt_low altitude at bottom of the layer km 0- %12e
1 alt_high altitude at top of the layer km 0- %12e
2 phi_low azimuth angle start rad 0-6.2831853 %12e
3 phi_high azimuth angle stop rad 0-6.2831853 %12e
4 theta_low polar angle start rad 0-3.14159265 %12e
5 theta_high polar angle stop rad 0-3.14159265 %12e
6 SDID (0=core,1=crust), 2,3,… 0-666 %4i
7 Temperature K 0- %12e
8 Density $\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3$ 0- %12e
9 Pressure hPa 0- %12e
10 Soil Mass fraction of soil $\%\,(\rm{kg}/\rm{kg})$ 0-1.0 %12e
11 $\rm{CO_2}$ Mass fraction of CO2 $\%\,(\rm{kg}/\rm{kg})$ 0-1.0 %12e
12 $\rm{N_2}$ Mass fraction of N2 $\%\,(\rm{kg}/\rm{kg})$ 0-1.0 %12e
13 $\rm{Ar}$ Mass fraction of Ar $\%\,(\rm{kg}/\rm{kg})$ 0-1.0 %12e
  • In this example, we have:
    • first 6 columns defining the geometry of the planet element
    • one column holding the SDID
    • 3 columns containing the macroscopic quantities.
    • 1 column for soil material specification
    • 5 columns containing gasses from G4's NIST database
  • Since the angular quantities are stated in terms of radians, a spherical shell should set theta_low=0, theta_high=3.14159265, phi_low=0, phi_high=6.2831853
  • All altitudes should be measured from the center of the planet. This is important when scaling the simulated flux with a real flux. Therefore, the core volume should have alt_low=0km, alt_mid=6365.0km
  • The user should ensure that there are no gaps between the volume elements of the planet.
  • Particles are not tracked within the core.
  • Shell particles are tracked in order to allow for surface albedo particles. Reducing the shell thickness to a “good-enough” minimum improves performance. I use 20m.
Examples files

The gdml files are created using the psf2gdml.py script. Note that the .psf files offers advantages for human use, since it is much easier to read. 1)

1) The specified number format has not been used, since we wanted the examples to be illustrative of the general features.
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